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Interior Design Philippines – Cost Of A Project

Interior Design Philippines – Cost Of A Project

You think an interior decoration project is too expensive.

But you would love to discuss your decorating ideas with an interior designer Philippines who can guide you and gives you the security to make the right decisions.

In this post we explain to you how each decoration design service works and in the end I present you a solution that fits in your pocket and solves your problems.

How much does an interior decoration project cost?

On-site decoration project

Tailor-made design for an environment or for your entire home. The project consists of several steps:

1. Briefing and metric surveying – The designer comes to your house, measures, photographs everything and interviews you to learn about your habits, preferences and needs.

2. Preliminary study – The designer prepares a preliminary proposal with suggested layout (furniture position), main coverings, color palette and atmosphere, the mood of the project.

3. Executive Design – After the preliminary study proposal is approved, the designer goes into detail defining technical details such as lighting design, joinery technical drawings, specification of furniture and coverings, etc.personality-meaning-blue-decoration-male

How you participate in the process

Your involvement in the project happens very actively during the initial phase of the briefing, which is when you have to be super specific about your taste, your style and your needs.

At the approval stage of the preliminary study it is critical that you clear all your doubts and only approve when you are 100% satisfied.

How it is charged

The project is charged per square meter. The values ​​vary according to the regions of the country and the recognition of the professional. We are one of the most affordable interior design company in the Philippines. Contact us today to get a quote.

What you get

You get a project notebook containing the graphic documentation, ie floor plans, sections, and views for project execution. In addition a “descriptive how to” with specifications of furniture, accessories and materials is also delivered.

Decoration Design Tracking

You can hire an interior designer to monitor the execution of a project.

This means that the professional will be responsible for raising budgets from suppliers, visiting the project site to track product delivery and service execution, clearing design questions with suppliers such as woodworkers, electricians, glaziers, etc., and controlling schedules and payments.

How you participate in the process

Through regular meetings, usually weekly, and receiving reports.

How it is charged

A percentage of the total cost of the work may vary from 10 to 20%.

Online decoration project

It is the way many designers have found to simplify and cheapen the interior design Philippines process. Since all project steps are done virtually, there is no professional travel cost.

How you participate in the project

You assume some roles that in the presential project it is the designer who performs, such as the metric and photographic survey.

This means that you will need to measure, draw and photograph the space. Without panic, it’s much easier than it sounds and a good professional will guide you through the process.

Your active participation remains crucial when answering the questionnaire and explaining your needs and preferences.

How it is charged

The price may be per meter per square meter, as in the face-to-face design, but some designers, like me, charge a close value per room.

What you get

A project notebook with the same documentation as the face-to-face interior design Philippines project.

Express Decoration

In this service, the designer comes to your home and in a few hours revives an environment with quick interventions such as painting a wall, changing the arrangement of furniture, arranging frames and arranging shelves.

How you participate in the process

Saying what you would like to change and what budget is available. Usually the client leaves home and when he comes back finds the transformed environment.

How it is charged

A flat fee may be charged per package or an hourly rate, but as it is a new service there is wide variation. Each professional defines how the service is, what is included and how it will be charged.

Interior Design Consulting

If you have a specific question how, what color should paint the facade of your home, what is the best style of sofa for your TV room or what is the best position for furniture in the living room, etc. you can hire an interior designer for a consultancy.

How you participate in the process

Being as specific as possible about your question, including sending photos of the space.

How it is charged

The consulting is charged by the hour

What you get

A written summary of product and supplier referral recommendations.